Friday, February 6, 2009

My Thoughts On The Economy

As you very well may know, the economists, the government, media and everyone else who is alive and breathing, are talking about the state of our economy and their recession. Notice I said their recession. I for one, am sick and tired of hearing how bad things are because I choose to walk in the BLESSING, instead of the curse.

All you hear is doom and gloom and that things are getting worse. What are they trying to accomplish by putting fear into people. They say, "Get taxes done now and get your return." Once people get their return they don't spend it wisely, but blow it on things that only bring happiness for a short while. I heard one person on the news say that they'll get a big screen tv. Why? How does that help the problem? To me, it adds to it.

Now, I know this country is facing hard times, but the Church shouldn't let itself be dominated by fear and the worlds system. It should be dominated by God's system. God's system always has a good return and its resources never run dry.

As a traveling minister, I have to believe God for every cent that comes in because I don't work a normal job like most people. I travel to churches and minister about the goodness of God. But when the Church is struggling, that limits the opportunities I get to preach. I shouldn't be dependent on churches, but on God. He's El Shaddai, the God who is MORE than enough, He'll get me through.

I guess I'm telling you this because in the past several days, I have either had meetings cancelled or been turned down because, "I'm sorry brother, because of our recession, we can't have anyone." I don't know about you, but that is exactly the time to have someone. Someone who preaches the Word with signs following. Someone who encourages the body so that faith is built in their heart.

All my life, I was raised on the principle, "Even in tough times, sow a seed towards your need." This isn't just a give to get principle; but a seed, time and harvest principle. God said give and expect a return on your giving. I could share story after story about how God supernaturally supplied my every need. It's when our natural, meets His Super that things begin to happen.

The Bible says in Proverbs 10:22 "The BLESSING of the Lord, it maketh rich and He adds no sorrow with it." It's the blessing that will cause us to prosper in hard times. It's the blessing that will cause us to stand when others fall. I choose to stand and walk in the blessing.

Why? Because God will meet me where I'm at and He will see to it that every need is met. Now this doesn't just happen over night. You give in faith and you release your seed to God and stay expecting. Pay day doesn't always come on Friday, but it does come. When it does come, be ready for that net breaking, boat sinking catch.

There's more I could say about the blessing, but I just wanted to wet your appetite a little.

Until next time,
